Goitseona Modisane is a published author, founder and Managing Director of Modisane Excellence Institute, an organisation that is passionate about raising a generation of true leaders through mentoring, coaching, facilitation and training. He has dedicated over 15 years of his time to the craft which has led his name to become synonymous with excellence and being a true Protagonist of human capital development.
Goitseona is also a respected Pastor and Trustee at Sanctuary Ministries International where through his faith, he leads congregates. 14 books
have been authored and published aimed at unleashing, discovering and executing one’s God given assignment.
n his journey, he has inspired and trained over 50 000 individuals and helped them
realise their potential to eventually reach their dreams. Through Modisane Excellence Institute, Goitseona has run Enterprise & Supplier Development mentorships and Financial Literacy programs for large corporates such as ABSA, Classic Oriental, Impala Platinum and Royal Bafokeng Enterprise Development and many other
Ignissimos ducimus quin blandiitis praesentium voluptatem deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. scint occaecatti gnissimus.
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