tokozo Mthethwa is an Operations Management graduate (Cum Laude in Diploma and Advanced Diploma). He currently studies postgraduate diploma in Operations Management at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT). He has various certificates in Business Management from various institutions. He is an aspiring entrepreneur.
Ntokozo is a mentor, private tutor, personal development coach, career coach, and motivation facilitator. He has mentored many students who have succeeded academically and started their career paths. He is passionate about career and personal development.
He is currently a private tutor for Quantitative Techniques (Statistics 1), Operational Research (Statistics 2, 3 and 4), Project Cost Management, Cost Management and Accounting, Financial Accounting, and Financial Accounting, and Engineering Mathematics 1 and 2.
Conquering Your Years in Tertiary Education is his first self-development book.
Ignissimos ducimus quin blandiitis praesentium voluptatem deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. scint occaecatti gnissimus.
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